Tuesday, June 19, 2012


This has been an informative day consisting of meetings with the Neurological Surgeon, the Radiation Oncologist, and the Hematology Oncologist. Leif has been blessed with great medical doctors. Leif has his incision sutchers removed. The Pathology report came back indicating that the remaining tumor would need to be treated with precision radiation and chemo therapy.  This phase of the healing path will begin soon.  Leif was checked for vision, coordination, blood, weight, and vitals. Leif continues to strengthen himself in body, mind and spirit. Tomorrow he begins outpatient therapy. [PT, ST, OT] Leif has a great attitude and advances on the Recovery Path with faith and practical implementation of common-sense techniques. He is looking forward to returning to work and to community. The upcoming days are KEY in this process. Leif had a good PT walking exercise this evening extending his route. He is making ready for tomorrow’s sessions.
Blog Followers; My thanks to you. There is no greater gift that you can give than to lift your voice unto the Creator of this Universe. In His presence is the love, peace and healing that Leif needs and that each of us need also. He releases these treasures unto us as we spend time with Him in prayer. Praises unto our God!

God Bless; Written by Pop


  1. Dear Leif, I have written several post but I have to learn how to publish, I guess! -- Hope this comes through!

    Your blogs, photos and the encouragement from Larry are so filled with teaching, worship and insight. Thanks for the time and teaching to let us know of your journey.

    I met with a prayer group tonight and praises and petitions were made to GOD for you. The wonder of your life and witness are evident. After our meeting, several people made statements of their love and prayers for you and your families. Grady, from our church prayer ministry, shared that she will be meeting with another lady and they planned to pray for you tomorrow.

  2. Always so positive, Leif and Leif's father. Thanks for your uplifting, spirit!
    Love, Aunt Laurel

  3. Leif,

    Your Great Aunt Evelyn (grandma Hyrne's sister) called yesterday asking about you and your recovery. She shared how she had just returned from her annual church retreat, and you had been prayed for each day at the retreat and hoped you're doing better.
    I can imagine how exhausted you must be at the end of each day. Reading your blog it seems like a lot to fit into one day. Keep pushing yourself with the PT,how incouraging that you are moving on to a outpatient therapy...

    A verse to ponder....

    Psalm 121:7-8
    The LORD will keep you from all harm— he will watch over your life; the LORD will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore

    Love and prayers 24/7
    Uncle Steve

  4. Leif, you are being remembered in prayer by so many. I have friends and family who ask about you often, as they lift you up in prayer to the Great Healing Physician. Your progress and positive attitude are so remarkable! Thanks for your inspiration! Hope to see you sometime soon. Rosemary and Gerald Robison
