Leif is at a
milestone: [Week #3 of Radiation/Chemo Treatment Complete]. The Goal of this
IMRT Treatment in combination with the Chemo Treatment is to destroy the tumor
tissue and keep it from replicating. [Pray that this is successful 100%] Keep
in mind that 95% of the tumor is gone and we are concerned with the remaining
tumor. [Awesome Praise] Excellent
Results are great motivators! Let’s pray that the remaining tumor is taken out
through treatment with no deficits caused.
Leif is getting up early and getting his
nutrition and focusing on the day’s events. Leif starts with reading the ‘Text’
and beginning the daily routine. Leif had PT Therapy this week. PT workouts
were with Resistance bands for strengthening of the muscles in the hips for balance.
The PT Therapist established written goals for completion of PT Therapy
requirements. It is like graduation. This
coming week Leif has OT, PT and ST therapies. Leif continues to push his
walking workouts to longer distances. Today Leif went to the market with Mom.
Yesterday the day was spent with Brother Nate for a whole day outing. These are
good PT, ST, and OT workouts. Returning to community means getting out to
everyday activities and getting involved. The baseline for the pain level of
headaches is #1. [This is good] The incision area is painful at times. Remember
the skull was cut open and is healing. Titanium plates and screws are slowly
grafting with the skull-bone. Leif is
increasing in strength and stamina. He is on his PC daily.
Blog Warriors: You
are great and strong supporters of Leif’s cause. When you pray, the Father God
hears and takes action. He is waiting for us to attend to Kingdom business,
helping one another. Thank you for caring! Thanks be unto God.
Written by Pop