Sunday, July 29, 2012


Leif is at a milestone: [Week #3 of Radiation/Chemo Treatment Complete]. The Goal of this IMRT Treatment in combination with the Chemo Treatment is to destroy the tumor tissue and keep it from replicating. [Pray that this is successful 100%] Keep in mind that 95% of the tumor is gone and we are concerned with the remaining tumor.  [Awesome Praise] Excellent Results are great motivators! Let’s pray that the remaining tumor is taken out through treatment with no deficits caused.

Leif is getting up early and getting his nutrition and focusing on the day’s events. Leif starts with reading the ‘Text’ and beginning the daily routine. Leif had PT Therapy this week. PT workouts were with Resistance bands for strengthening of the muscles in the hips for balance. The PT Therapist established written goals for completion of PT Therapy requirements. It is like graduation.  This coming week Leif has OT, PT and ST therapies. Leif continues to push his walking workouts to longer distances. Today Leif went to the market with Mom. Yesterday the day was spent with Brother Nate for a whole day outing. These are good PT, ST, and OT workouts. Returning to community means getting out to everyday activities and getting involved. The baseline for the pain level of headaches is #1. [This is good] The incision area is painful at times. Remember the skull was cut open and is healing. Titanium plates and screws are slowly grafting with the skull-bone.  Leif is increasing in strength and stamina. He is on his PC daily.

Blog Warriors: You are great and strong supporters of Leif’s cause. When you pray, the Father God hears and takes action. He is waiting for us to attend to Kingdom business, helping one another. Thank you for caring! Thanks be unto God.

Written by Pop

Sunday, July 22, 2012


Leif is getting ready to start week #3 of Radiation and Chemo Treatment. Leif feels blessed that 95% of the tumor is gone and that the remainder is being treated. Leif is starting his day with nourishment, journaling, reading, listening to Dr. David Jeremiah, and then off to exercise or therapy. Week #2 of Radiation and Chemo is now complete. It is difficult and disorienting being strapped down to receive the IMRT precision radiation. Leif wears a mask which is then attached to the table during the treatment. Leif is learning how to handle this treatment better. This week Leif will meet with his ST and PT therapist. Outpatient therapy given by professional therapist has proven to be very instrumental and helpful. Leif’s recovery has been maximized by outpatient therapy. Walking the neighborhood is also helping Leif to stay strong physically. This week also, Leif will meet with the Nuero-surgeon, Dr. Goodall. He is a great Surgeon who helped Leif when he first needed help during his struggle with this tumor. Leif will also meet with his current care givers this week. Blood work will be done this week. The baseline pain is a #1 headache. This is a great blessing when looking back at what has transpired in Leif’s life these last 3 months. Some discomfort is still experienced around the incision area, especially following the radiation treatment. Some deficits still need our prayers and the touch of the Master.
Blog Faithful; Thanks again for your steadfast support through prayer and helping with practical needs. You are part of the healing solution. The Lord hears your prayers and sees your hearts of faith. Details are falling into place! Leif states, “You have been a great blessing”. Thanks be unto our God and King.

Written by Pop

Sunday, July 15, 2012


Week #1 of Radiation [IMRT] and Chemo has been completed.  Leif did well with the treatment. One morning he had ‘nausea’ from the treatment.  The headaches are down to a #1 pain level. Thank God. The ‘Incision areas’ still cause some discomfort and pain.  Leif is continuing to rise early and start his day with reading and nourishment.  He is continuing with his medication regimen to assist with the post surgery conditions.  Leif met with Dr. J. Breneman this week and reviewed the radiation treatment.  Dr. B. is involved with the setting up of ‘IMRT beam instructions and details’.  Dr. B. informed Leif that ‘95%’ of the tumor is gone.  The remaindering tumor will be treated with the ‘IMRT’ radiation and Chemo.  This week Leif will meet with Dr. Chaudhary who is involved with Hematology Oncology.  Dr. C. is part of the ‘Care Team ‘that is involved with Leif’s case. Leif is continuing with out-patient therapy, PT, ST, and OT.  He continues to structure his day to include exercise and other home therapy assignments.  Leif and Mom went to ‘4 Corners Church’ this weekend.  They met with friends following the service.  Leif is on the ‘Path to Recovery and Healing’ and is working hard at doing his part.

Blog Followers; Thanks for your faithful support.  Your prayers and active care are making the difference.  Best Blessings to you for this week.

Written by Pop

Monday, July 9, 2012

Don't Be Afraid

Today I learned little something;  the right attitude a little faith you can get through anything

.I have been looking at today today from the planning perspective for some time now .  I probably let some anxiety build up over time.  I took chemo and radiation fir first time and  I was very nervous at first  The staff eased some of that as I began to settle into IMRT Radiation treatment cycles round lunch time. (IMRT REFERENCE

I made it through with no problems and feel  blessed  to have such good day considering my discomfort at first.  I could have thought about negative stuff all day but where would tat have gotten me.  Listen Ladies and Gents, Fear Not for He has overcome the World (John 16:33).  So moving forward for the next 6 weeks of tretment I choose to fear not!

Most Sincerely Yours,

Sunday, July 8, 2012


Leif rose early today and began his morning routine, reading the Holy Bible and prayer, breakfast, medications and then out the door for his PT [walking ½ mile].  Leif’s strength continues to increase [PT], normal activities are on the rise [OT], and cognitive skills are edging better. [ST].  Following the walk Leif prepared to go to 4 Corners Church for the 1st time since the operation.  He and Mom went and found a place to sit. They quietly entered and quietly left after the message.  His day was full today with family events and spending some time with friends. This week will see the start of a new phase in Leif’s healing, the ‘radiation and chemo’ treatments.   I will update the blog to share how everything goes.  On Friday Leif met with Dr. Golnick.  He checked Leif’s eyes and found that his vision is 20/20. The left eye vision block is something which will have to be looked at when the swelling goes down in the brain.  Leif will make an appointment to see him again.

Blog Friends; Thank you for being there for Leif! The book of ‘Mark CH. 2 tells the story of ‘friends’ who carried their sick friend to Jesus the Lord. They took extreme measures to get him into the Lord’s presence. This week let us ‘carry’ Leif into the Lord’s presence via ‘prayer’ and via ‘action’.  Let us be strong in faith and the Spirit of our God. Praise Him!

Written by Pop

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


This morning started early for Leif. He rose early to start his day with reading and breakfast.  Walking with ankle weights has been added to his daily regimen.  Leif is also beginning to work out with weights on a daily basis.  Nothing heavy yet is in the routine.  OT came in the form of some outings to take care of business and lunch.  Later PT came in the form of a neighborhood walk.  Still later more PT came in the form of additional exercise at a local park. This is all good for building strength.  Monday the Radiation Treatments begin.  These treatments will take place Monday –Friday.  Saturday and Sunday will be off days.  Chemo will also take place at the same time.  This is a coordinated medical approach to treating the remaining tumor and malignant remnants.  Medications will be reviewed and changed to reflect the changing treatments.  Pray that these treatments are successful and completely cleanse the impacted area. 
Blog Patriots; I and the family salute you. You have risen to the call and the cause. You have been touched in your hearts and responded in prayer and care. Together we will trust in the ‘Good Hand’ of our God to provide healing and restoration for Leif.  Praises unto the Holy Father, our Savior King and the Holy Spirit of God.

Written By Pop

Monday, July 2, 2012


Today Leif was up early and into his routine.  Nourishment to get the metabolism started, reading to get his spiritual input, and walking to get his physical exercise.  Leif’s appetite is that of a working man.  Leif had PT and OT therapies today.  PT worked with balance and strength on the left side.  OT worked with left and right scanning.  Leif continues to get stronger, it seems daily.  This week Leif should get the schedule for his radiation treatment. The reports on the MRI and Cat scan are also due this week. Also this week Leif has his appointment with Dr. Golnik at the Cincinnati Eye Institute.  Dr. Golnik will give Leif an eye examination and make his recommendations. The pain levels have continued to slowly come down.  The incision area is less sensitive than it was before; he is even sleeping on it.  Proper medication is very important to this healing process.  The adjustment and deletion of medications, as the healing continues, is a matter for prayer. Remember all the Doctors, Nurses, Medical Staff and Therapists in your prayers. They are instruments in the hands of our God for good.
Faithful Blog Followers; thank you for your prayers and support.  The Lord God hears each and every one. Leif has come a long way on this recovery path and with your prayers and support he will continue to do well. God Bless!

Written by Pop

Sunday, July 1, 2012

What a Weekend

It has been a long journey thus far.  Yesterday I had a great time with my family and was able to catch up with many that I don't frequently see.  The family event truly ended up being a great time. Plum tuckered me out though, so I got some healing sleep which was much needed. As I head into the next phases of treatment I need to be strong and at my optimum health level.

Leif Out,

See You All This Week,

Additional Notes from Pop; Last week the ‘Mask’ was made for his radiation treatments. The starting date for these treatments will be made know to us this week. Also the results of last week’s MRI and Cat-scan will be revealed this week. Thanks you for your prayers and support. The results of your prayers and the moving hand of the Lord are truly felt and experienced by Leif and the family. Please continue to pray for complete healing and the healing process. God Bless!