Sunday, July 8, 2012


Leif rose early today and began his morning routine, reading the Holy Bible and prayer, breakfast, medications and then out the door for his PT [walking ½ mile].  Leif’s strength continues to increase [PT], normal activities are on the rise [OT], and cognitive skills are edging better. [ST].  Following the walk Leif prepared to go to 4 Corners Church for the 1st time since the operation.  He and Mom went and found a place to sit. They quietly entered and quietly left after the message.  His day was full today with family events and spending some time with friends. This week will see the start of a new phase in Leif’s healing, the ‘radiation and chemo’ treatments.   I will update the blog to share how everything goes.  On Friday Leif met with Dr. Golnick.  He checked Leif’s eyes and found that his vision is 20/20. The left eye vision block is something which will have to be looked at when the swelling goes down in the brain.  Leif will make an appointment to see him again.

Blog Friends; Thank you for being there for Leif! The book of ‘Mark CH. 2 tells the story of ‘friends’ who carried their sick friend to Jesus the Lord. They took extreme measures to get him into the Lord’s presence. This week let us ‘carry’ Leif into the Lord’s presence via ‘prayer’ and via ‘action’.  Let us be strong in faith and the Spirit of our God. Praise Him!

Written by Pop

1 comment:

  1. I arose early with Leif on my heart and prayers. Thank you for updates!
