Saturday, May 24, 2014

Perfection is not Coincedence

Hey All!!

Sorry there has been no update here in a while.  Things get busy fast when you are healthy and able to rebuild things in strength and #hope!!  I have heard through the grapevine that many are still praying but haven't gotten an update. you are:
1. I have had my most recent quarterly MRI on April 22 to fin that there is no new areas of concern which is an ongoing conclusion through my last several quarterly's...YAY!! Praise Him!!!
2. This past few weeks yielded me a stroke that landed me in the emergency room May 6th.  This was a T.I.A. of the T2 variety in medical terms.  Things are back to normal now as i am living on my own now with my kids here...even now...sleeping soundly:).  Would you believe that I was out of town the previous week (more like the last few months for work off and on).  And was home that week.  What Luck!  The event happened in my home and I was able to get myself to the doctor and was told if it happened again to go straight to the ER.  It did and I did.  My loving mother was with me and thank goodness for her patience as things tend to take a while when the entire neurology staff wants to see you and CAT scans MRI's and other tests are pending.

3. Home from all that I was thinking what a coincidence it was that it happened near home when I remembered a past youth pastor teaching (Jim Peterson) that God exists outside of time and can influence any situation without the constraints of time as well.  So I see now knowing that plus your continued and faithful prayers is truly the real reason I can continue to praise him with both hands high and standing strong!!  It's like every time Satan tries to shut the door on my life and livelihood, our Lord keeps my foot in the door.  Honestly, with him it feels more like keeping my combat boot lodged firmly in the door jam.  Jesus keeps me in the game time after time!!  Please don't mind my bit of humor.  Thank you all!!

4. I do have to ask for something at this point.  Since I have much slower updates going on from here, I need to know if you even want me to continue posting to this blog??  I enjoy it but do not want to let anyone down.  Please respond if you want to see more or not so I know what direction go head.

I cannot thank you each enough.

Peace.  Love.  Prayers,



  1. I know I already told you on the phone but I like to know how you're doing. Thanks for the updates Bro.

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