Friday, April 24, 2015


Hey Viewers,

Here's one from my heart.

I was in America's Motor City (Detroit) this past week for work.  No big deal there.  The system I was installing and verifying had several signals that had to be, as the industry calls it, 'wrung out'.

Here is an example of how many signals there are; one signal equals one of the wires on the right side of the actual image below:

Don't worry, there is nothing proprietary in this image.  So to explain a bit here, there are only about 400 signals...some coming in, some being generated and sent out.  Well a circumstance came about that really foiled my nice orderly logical plans.

Personally, I struggle sometimes that there is still something wrong in my brain after all my surgeries and 'stuff' so I sometimes feel that I miss things that I am not aware of.  So when I found a random pattern of signals that were operating strangely, I slightly panicked.  Slightly for this situation means that I was seriously confused, not sure what to do, and not sure if something was wrong with me, wrong with the system I was working on, or both.

The thing that brought me to solace again was this.  My Lord has created everything, knows everything, and is ever-present (hence the name of this post 'Everything').  If I were to just humble myself and allow my wisdom to come from him and not my own understanding...maybe I could see from his well illuminated view and not mine I may see something yet unseen.  So I fasted over the next day and prayed as I performed various tests to find the root issue.  This helped greatly.  If I would have allowed myself to exist in the physical/earthly present, I would have only seen the customer complaining and others pressing me for answers I was supposed to know at the time.

Then it happened.  Using a tester/diagnostic tool, I found a bundle of wires that had gotten mixed up with a different bundle of similarly colored wires.  This, after making the relevant changes, resolved the many signals that had seemed completely hay-wire at the time.

End of story?  Not yet.  I had to first thank God for giving me the clarity to continue in a reasonable manner despite the pressing circumstances.  After this, everything came to a peaceful completion...all loose ends tied up, everyone involved was content and the customer even reached out to my boss in order to express his satisfaction with my work.

I am happy to know that even when or if things are wrong with me, I have someone I can ALWAYS go to that ALWAYS covers/knows EVERYTHING!!

Readers...thank you for continuing to support me.  It means a lot!



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