Saturday, November 28, 2015

Old roads are notoriously bumpy.  For me my recent quarterly MRI showed a Stroke I had not known about.  In my early brain cancer days, I had to stay at the Drake Stroke recovery and rehabilitation center for a month after my second brain surgery.  For that reason I did not have the best memories of that place.  Sure I did most of these blog posts there, maybe that is why this one seemed necessary.  The staff was nice but general non-staff experience was stressful.  Screams at night ( people are in dementia stages there.  Low and behold my recent stroke has gotten me a visit to go back!  Hooray.  My sarcastic Hooray  is only to note my initial dismay at going back.  While I will not have to stay, I don’t want to go.  My month stay there years ago was overcome with changing my attitude.  Apparently…God had passed it along that another adjustment will be good for me.  I’m game.  Ever-loving a challenge, A lot in my life would benefit from an adjustment right now.  Starting with that.  Getting upset or depressed about it will help it how much?  NONE.  So, get on with it.  As I climb out of my recovery from shoulder surgery, I have already recently made some changes, so a push and tweak to those are in order.  Immersion in the Word of God to just soak in the truth (this will help greatly with defending myself against the deceiver) A bit of hard work to bring on motivation from fulfillment and here we are, on the path to attitude adjustment.

Please pray for good results and prompt healing.  I’ll soon update the community.

Peace, Love, Prayers,


Thursday, October 22, 2015


Avascular Necrosis, the bone  in my humeral head (bicep bone in the shoulder joint) is common in people who have had chemotherapy or high doses of steroids over a long period (that was me with Dexamethasone during radiation treatments).  Anyway, this has been a growing problem in my shoulders as they deteriorate it is causing me much discomfort; and a loss of range of motion.  Tomorrow morning, surgery is taking place to help stop the collapse of my left shoulder.   If everything goes like it should (it will), There will be bad tissue removed from the humeral head with resurfacing measures and the possible addition of a cap or quarter sized 'button'  to protect the good tissue underneath.  This is outpatient surgery with an overnight into Saturday.  Please pray for Dr. Hasan as his hands are guiding the treatment.  I'm a bit anxious as well so please consider this in your prayers.

I cannot thank you all enough.


Thursday, August 6, 2015

One is Never Enough...

Hello fellow followers, fans, formal acquaintances, and fractured heart fixers:

A great bunch of events have happened that need your attention, consideration and emotional evaluation.

Let's start at the very beginning (a very good place to start).  One year ago (April 2014) I had a TIA T2 stroke that left me recovering in the hospital for a few days.

Now in the present, I have had another stroke this past Sunday (08-03-2015) and was taken to the hospital by my now girlfriend Niki. She sacrificially gave time to get me there, get me food (aside from the Hospital offerings), and just supported me in my pain and difficulty.

Next we have the final 'prognosis' from the staff involved after bloodwork, monitoring, MRI, MRA, and direct questioning.  The University Hospital in West Chester resolved that a poor/restricted flow in several areas (caused by previous Radiation treatments) caused the transient stroke effect.

Once I was injected numerous times (now bruised) with blood thinners as a precaution, my condition remained stable long enough for me to sneak (check -out) out of the hospital and head home for some real rest.

If that was all the news I had...then there would be joy...but hang in there.

This very morning I had a orthopedic doctor follow-up for some pain and restricted range of motion in both shoulders.  He kindly noted that there was no tendon, muscle or other tears or damage.  However, he then proceeded to tell me that I had a rare condition known as 'Avascular necroses in the humeral heads'.  This is the ball portion at the end of your upper arm bone that is held neatly inside your shoulder socket.  Basically, what the necrosis does is deteriorate the head/ball section of bone until it starts to break down and fail as a heavily used unit until a solution is implemented.

So far, all I have heard is that a rebuild of the shoulder would be the best route.  This involves severing the existing ball of bone material as it enters the shoulder socket and replace it with a metal or otherwise strong replica.  This would also require strengthening the socket area to accept a metal joint instead of bone material.

While I wait for answers from my Ortho as he searches the minds of his colleagues in specialty areas and even in other states, this puts me in a funny place.  Here's what I mean:

Here I am processing my second stroke event and have to unknowingly combine it with a potential double shoulder rebuild that may or may not need regular future maintance.

NOW!  That's a lot to handle.  Even with my experienced past, it is still gnawing at me.  My solution?  I have already began to journal my feelings and discuss how this affects my life and kids with other friends/family and/or people I can trust with that level of vulnerability.  The final step in the 'new walk' is to resolve a behavioral/filtering device in my person.  This ensures challenges and difficulties during this time are met with a prepared, organized, and consistent approach all the while spreading a message of love, learning and encouragement using a filter of hope, love and peace.

Please spread the message of HOPE!!

Stay Strong...Sincerely,

Friday, July 10, 2015

Love to Love

Hello All,

As if it is not already known, I love to love and serve others if possible.  It is in my DNA and deeper in my purpose as directed by the Holy One.  When I encounter a relationship that allows or desires this, it energizes me even more.

The reason I decided to add this to my Blog is two-fold:

1. Continue to tell the story of hope and contentment that is possible in our lives.

2. Give honor and praise to those who have helped or participated in the process.

What happened to make this post worth sharing?

Glad you asked.

I have been praying, seeking and living in a way that only I, until now, had hoped would align me with an honorable and supportive lady/woman that I can bless and serve as my companion in this adventure we call life on earth.  I knew her (we'll call her Nicole) back in high school. While I have prayed for my future wife many times in the past years, I didn't expect this 'blast from the past'.  Since then, divorce and brain cancer have shoved me down a path I did not desire, with Satan and his minions trying to destroy, attack, and trip me along the way.

Now, with the help of God, Family, Friends and a consistent good attitude I feel like someone has also merged near me on my particular path of life.  This is no coincidence as I see it.  Only what happens when you choose to follow a path that you would like to have your partner align with due to their own individual desires and interests.  With no influence from anyone else, Nicole seems suddenly embedded in the heart of my every thought.  She, and her children, get along wonderfully with my children.  My children also get along with hers with no problem.  Our natural communication and attitudes compliment each other constantly.  

Too good to be true?

Not with truth, alignment of goals, and desire to serve each other.  This experience is a small part of the path I am on.  I know at this point that our direction, attitude and foundations are aligned in a way that will only strengthen our relationship.  I continue to see peace and joy down the road, both near and far.

Should you think of it, I would most desire prayers of protection and joy in our new found relationship.  As Satan desires only to destroy and burn something of this magnitude down.

Thank you all.  I say that because my spiritual sensitivity tells me when others are aligned and supporting my direction.

Now with more fervor...

Thank you all greatly.

Peace, Hope, Love, Prayers,

Friday, April 24, 2015


Hey Viewers,

Here's one from my heart.

I was in America's Motor City (Detroit) this past week for work.  No big deal there.  The system I was installing and verifying had several signals that had to be, as the industry calls it, 'wrung out'.

Here is an example of how many signals there are; one signal equals one of the wires on the right side of the actual image below:

Don't worry, there is nothing proprietary in this image.  So to explain a bit here, there are only about 400 signals...some coming in, some being generated and sent out.  Well a circumstance came about that really foiled my nice orderly logical plans.

Personally, I struggle sometimes that there is still something wrong in my brain after all my surgeries and 'stuff' so I sometimes feel that I miss things that I am not aware of.  So when I found a random pattern of signals that were operating strangely, I slightly panicked.  Slightly for this situation means that I was seriously confused, not sure what to do, and not sure if something was wrong with me, wrong with the system I was working on, or both.

The thing that brought me to solace again was this.  My Lord has created everything, knows everything, and is ever-present (hence the name of this post 'Everything').  If I were to just humble myself and allow my wisdom to come from him and not my own understanding...maybe I could see from his well illuminated view and not mine I may see something yet unseen.  So I fasted over the next day and prayed as I performed various tests to find the root issue.  This helped greatly.  If I would have allowed myself to exist in the physical/earthly present, I would have only seen the customer complaining and others pressing me for answers I was supposed to know at the time.

Then it happened.  Using a tester/diagnostic tool, I found a bundle of wires that had gotten mixed up with a different bundle of similarly colored wires.  This, after making the relevant changes, resolved the many signals that had seemed completely hay-wire at the time.

End of story?  Not yet.  I had to first thank God for giving me the clarity to continue in a reasonable manner despite the pressing circumstances.  After this, everything came to a peaceful completion...all loose ends tied up, everyone involved was content and the customer even reached out to my boss in order to express his satisfaction with my work.

I am happy to know that even when or if things are wrong with me, I have someone I can ALWAYS go to that ALWAYS covers/knows EVERYTHING!!

Readers...thank you for continuing to support me.  It means a lot!



Thursday, March 19, 2015

It's Not Over!

What does 'Its not over' mean to you?  If you have ever thought that your time on this earth is at all useless or wasted...please, think again.  In reading yet another great book I've wrestled with the following spiritual truth (i.e. irrefutable truth).  If you are still alive in any capacity, you have not yet completed your purpose for being here.  Regardless of what you believe, regardless of what has happened to you, there is work left to do.  In the case of your life, there is HOPE left.  I HOPE that something even greater than wherever you are at is still possible.  Have hope my friends!  Encourage others!  Allow the thought of your next step being higher than your current level to permeate your being and use that energy to move ahead!

Love You All and I pray for you each day!!

Sincerely with Peace Love and HOPE,
