Thursday, May 17, 2012

Blessings Of Technology

Clearly your support and prayers have positively impacted the direction of my treatment.

Until now my astrocytoma (brain tumor) was believed to be only grade 2 meaning generally non-aggressive.  This week I had several appointments with the specialists managing my tumor.  After these visits there was a multi-disciplinary panel of specialists that comprehensively reviewed things to decide the next step of treatment.  The Board's conclusions this week revealed a possibility that part of the tumor may also be grade 3 which is more aggressive.  Because of this, surgical resection must be considered before any other therapy in order to remove as much of the grade 3 tissue as they can.  In order to determine how safe another resection of the tumor is they ordered an FMRI (Functional MRI) with Diffuse Tensor Imaging.  This is one of the most precise ways to map various functional areas of the brain.  This was done to be sure they can remove the tumor tissue they want without potential for damage to other areas of my brain that are touching or are too close.

The FMRI was an interesting experience.  Performing tasks with basic motor skills, guided thoughts, listening, watching visual element and other various stimuli for about an hour inside the MRI tube with my head motionless and taped in place was quite the ordeal.  I find it truly amazing how the Lord has enabled us to harness such technology in order to help treat such complex medical issues.  Essentially I will find out how this influences the treatment direction in the next few days...more updates to follow.

1 comment:

  1. I feel close to you knowing your updates. I will send this to Brian as soon as a new address for him is found!! I always believe that you are the most personable person I know. It seems you are always, always reaching out to those that need a special touch. Now your insides are demanding your attention and it sounds like this harnessed technology is amazing and will be helpful for you!
