Saturday, May 12, 2012

Picture Journey

Here are some pictures from the past few weeks.  They symbolize the progress, support and love that I am grateful for over this enduring time!

Just before brain sugery.

This is a view of my wall while inside my ICU recovery room.  This meant so much to me as it shows the support so many people sent in.  This is not even everything, just a glimpse.

This is just after surgery on my brain.

First open picture of the entry to my skull complete with drain tube for pressure release.

One of my great nurses...the staff was clearly supplied by the Lord as their attitudes and skills were so encouraging.


  1. So that's what my eyeballs look like ;)

    Keep striving and opening up. This is very healthy brother. Great work!

  2. I am so happy to see the progress. Thank you for the post. Love you so much. -Michelle

  3. Stay tough Leif, always know that we are thinking about and praying for you. - Glen and Katie Rodebush
